About Tennis Scotland
Mission: To grow tennis by making it relevant, accessible, welcoming and enjoyable:
- To build stronger venues at the heart of our community making tennis accessible.
- To build a world class player development pathway.
- To develop a range of facilities and venues fit for the future of our sport making tennis relevant.
- To grow and develop a world class workforce.
- To deliver a range of Events and Competitions to experience and showcase tennis making tennis enjoyable and welcoming.
- To grow and develop resources to deliver an effective new organisation.
In summary we want to see more people playing across clubs and pay as you go facilities. We want to see more quality facilities and world class workforce development and coaching. We want to see an all year round sport in our communities with tennis a major or leading player in our communities in terms of community access to facilities. We want to see more Scottish players succeeding at the very top of the game in juniors and on the ATP and WTA tours and we want an ambitious confident organisation working with all to create growth and investment to ensure a sustainable and healthy future for Scottish tennis.
You can view the Tennis Scotland 2022-26 Strategy document below:
Governance & structure
Tennis Scotland is governed by a Board of Directors who review, monitor and support the strategic direction of the Organisation via the Chief Executive.
The Board and Chief Executive are responsible for strategy and delivery for Tennis Scotland.
Tennis Scotland has an Executive Team which is charged with the day to day operation of the business led by Chief Executive Blane Dodds who is also a Trustee on the Board of Directors.
- Chair Graham Watson
- Chief Executive Blane Dodds
- President John Wilson
- Vice President Rhona Alston
- Non-Executive Director Derek Quirk
- Non Executive Director Deborah Hood
- Non-Executive Director Anja Vreg
- Non-Executive Director Michele Mair
- Non-Executive Director Graeme Gault
- Non-Executive Director Sean Lineen
- Company Secretary Barbara Southern
- Honorary President Dennis D Carmichael OBE
Click on each year to view all annual reports as a PDF.
2012 Annual Report
Click to view AGM minutes as a PDF.
Tennis Scotland AGM minutes - 2020 (Held on April 22 2021)
Tennis Scotland AGM minutes - 2019 (Held on April 23 2020)
Tennis Scotland AGM minutes - 2018 (Held on April 25 2019)
Tennis Scotland AGM minutes - 2017 (Held on April 26 2018)
Tennis Scotland AGM minutes - 2016 (Held on April 13 2017)
Tennis Scotland AGM minutes - 2015 (Held on December 17 2015)
Articles of Association of Tennis Scotland can be viewed here in PDF format.
Tennis Scotland have a number of policies and rules we adhere to, please see below;
- Tennis Scotland Safeguarding policies can be found on this page
- LTA policies can be found on this page
- LTA Transgender & Non-Binary Policy can be found here.
- For all data purposes Tennis Scotland adheres to the LTA’s Privacy Policy.
- Guidance for Clubs can be found in our Resource Library.
- ICO Guide to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) can be found here.
Tennis Scotland, as a partner of sportscotland, is committed to the Scottish Government’s Fair Work First policy, taking to deliver high quality and fair work, and workforce diversity.
We, Tennis Scotland, are committed to delivering on the following Fair Work First criteria:
Living wage
- Tennis Scotland commits to paying the Real Living Wage.
Effective voice
- Tennis Scotland are committed to fostering an environment where every voice matters. We prioritise open dialogue and invite feedback, where it is relevant to do so.
- We directly engage with staff through feedback, regular one-to-one meetings with line managers and provide opportunities for transparent discussions with our senior management, including all staff meetings.
- We have measures in place to support employees in the workplace and have zero tolerance towards bullying and other forms of abuse and harassment.
Workforce development
- Tennis Scotland believes in investing in our staff, and we are committed to workforce development.
- This is illustrated by providing opportunities for CPD through our dedicated training programme, including on-the-job training, the sportscotland Learning & Development (L&D) programme and external training provision.
- CPDs include:
- Safeguarding & Protection in Tennis
- Emergency First Aid at Work
- Tennis Instructor & Padel Tennis Instructor
- Delivering Cardio Tennis
- Leadership
- We are committed to providing opportunities for young people through our National Apprenticeship Programme.
Zero-hours contracts
- Tennis Scotland does not inappropriately use zero-hours contracts.
Diversity and inclusion
- Tennis Scotland are committed to creating a diverse and inclusive workplace where everyone feels seen, valued and respected.
- The Tennis Scotland Board gender representation is 40% women and 60% men.
Flexible and family friendly working
- Tennis Scotland creates a flexible and family friendly working environment.
- This includes:
- Maternity, paternity & adoption leave
- Shared parental leave
- Bereavement & other compassionate or special leave
- Flexible working requests
Fire and re-hire
- Tennis Scotland opposes the use of “fire and re-hire” practices.
- We will undertake full and meaningful consultations with our people when making any changes to our employment terms and conditions.
This statement has been approved by sportscotland as part of our ongoing partnership/ funding agreement.
Tennis Tayside
- Website: tennistayside.org
- President: Susan Whiteford, directors@tennistayside.org
- Secretary: Joy Mayglothling, directors@tennistayside.org
- Welfare Contact: Rhona Alston, directors@tennistayside.org
Tennis Ayrshire
- Website: tennisayrshire.org.uk
- President: Lorn Shanks, president@tennisayrshire.org.uk
- Secretary: Grant Moore, grant_moore19@hotmail.com
- Welfare Contact: Elaine Semple, elainesemple@sky.com
East of Scotland
- Website: https://eastofscotlandtennis.uk/
- President : Viki Mendelssohn, viki@bigbluepr.co.uk
- Secretary: TBC, viki@bigbluepr.co.uk
- Welfare Contact: Adele Fletcher, leagues@eastofscotlandtennis.uk
North East Scotland LTA
- Website: clubspark.lta.org.uk/NorthEastScotlandLawnTennisassociation
- President: Andrew Fyfe, andrewgafyfe@gmail.com
- Secretary: Jane Hoare, nesltasec@btinternet.com
- Welfare Contact: Graeme Currie, currie@nhs.scot
Tennis Dumfries & Galloway
- Website: dumfriesandgallowaytennis.com
- Secretary: Lister McKidddie, mckiddie@walker-sharpe.co.uk
- Welfare Contact: Mary Park, fogartypark@btinternet.com
West of Scotland
- Website: tenniswos.co.uk
- President: Claire Kinloch Anderson, claire@kamacproductionsltd.co.uk
- Secretary: Alan Dickson, alanalbig@aol.com
- Welfare Contact: Baljinder Purba, baljinder_purba@hotmail.com
Tennis Central
- Website: tenniscentralscotland.org
- President: Alan Christie, alangchristie@aol.com
- Secretary: David Knapman, secretary@tennisscotland.org
- Welfare Contact: Hannah Pickford, hptennis@hotmail.com
Highlands Tennis Ltd
- Website: clubspark.lta.org.uk/highlandtennis
- President: Teresa Tait, highlanddistricttennis@gmail.com
- Secretary: Hamish McBain, highlanddistricttennis@gmail.com
- Welfare Contact: Annerle Douglas, annerledouglas@hotmail.com
Tennis Borders
- Website: sites.google.com/site/borderstennis
- President: Eddie Brogan, broganlindenlea@aol.com
- Secretary: Angie Laidlaw, tennisborders@gmail.com
- Welfare Contact: TBC
Districts Coaches
North East Coach Contact – Matt Kerswell 07907 289989
Highlands District – Derek Brown 07742 161828
Tayside District – Steven Birrell 07852517585
Ayrshire District Contact – Lorn Shanks 07577 379199
Borders District – Al McCulloch 07508 102211