HSBC Championships 2025: Advantage priority tickets for the women's WTA 500 event at Queen's go on sale from 11 February
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Report a concern


Report an anti-doping concern

If you have any concerns or suspicions about doping in sport, however small they seem, please report it via the links below:

UKAD - Protect Your Sport

You can call anonymously 24/7 and your details, if you share them, will be kept securely. If you'd prefer not to speak to anyone, you can also report your concerns via a secure online form or email: www.ukad.org.uk/protect-your-sport

LTA - SafeCall

Safecall is an independent, confidential and, if required, anonymous reporting service provided by the LTA. You may contact Safecall 24 hours a day, 365 days a year via telephone on 0800 915 1571. Calls are not recorded. Alternatively, a report can be made online: www.safecall.co.uk/report

Once a report is made, it will be passed on to the appropriate person at the LTA. The report will be treated confidentially, and only those needing to know the detail will be involved. Should you choose to remain anonymous it will be more difficult to fully deal with your concern. We therefore encourage you, if you feel it necessary to use this route, to provide your details to Safecall.


The ITIA has an online form for raising an anti-doping concern which can be found here: https://www.itia.tennis/contact/

  • You will remain anonymous, and your identity will be protected through the process unless you choose to reveal it.
  • We’ll ask for as much detail as you can provide, but even if you only have limited information don’t be put off, it is valuable to us.
  • Reporting information which doesn’t lead to action does not reflect poorly on you nor will it lead to any action against you

Report a corruption concern

If you have any corruption concerns or suspicions about corruption in tennis, please get in contact with either LTA SafeCall or the ITIA via the links above.

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