Develop your university programme
Welcome to the resources page for universities who have partnered with us to develop their university tennis programme. This page is for staff and students from universities who are registered as an LTA Venue.
Browse through the topics below to find out more.
This is the over-arching guide on how to develop tennis at your university.
Designed for students and support staff, it covers everything you’ll need to develop a playing, training and competition programme for everyone, from Fresher’s Fair onwards.
By the end of this 90 minute training module, you will have the basics you need to deliver and support tennis activity for university players. In this course you will learn about the role of the LTA and Tennis Activators in opening tennis up to more people.
In order to complete this course, you need to login or join our University Tennis Activator portal:
This one-day workshop is designed to support university staff and students in planning their tennis programme for the forthcoming academic year.
The presentations from this year’s training focused on a range of areas and can be found below:
Each year, for students interested in learning more about working in tennis, either as a career or a volunteer, we run a variety of events which we promote though our university main contacts. Keep an eye on our Facebook page for these opportunities.
Connect with us
Please join or ask your lead students/students to join the Facebook group 'University Tennis Development'. This is a closed group for those developing tennis at universities.
And connect with us on social media: @Britunitennis is our username on both Instagram and X (formally Twitter).