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Tennis Wales

Coronavirus (Covid-19) Update


Updated 21/03/20: Tennis Wales continues to liaise with colleagues in the LTA and assess the latest government information on the Coronavirus. This page provides up to date information as to how the coronavirus (Covid-19) and the latest government advice around it, relates to tennis activities in Wales and all those involved in delivering them. Please be aware that this is a fast moving situation and liable to change with very little notice.

The latest Government guidance and information regarding Covid-19 can be found via the following link:


Latest advice for tennis coaches & venues

The LTA have also provided new information in relation to the Coronavirus. You can see the latest advice for tennis coaches and advice for venues by clicking the links to the LTA dedicated webpage.

Clubhouses, Gyms & Social Spaces

Following the Government’s announcement (Friday 20 March) that social spaces such as pubs, gyms and leisure centres must close, all tennis clubhouses and similar social facilities should be closed as soon as possible.

Courts however can remain open for use to help ensure people remain active, subject to strict social distancing and hygiene practices being employed. Further details on how this can be done are provided here.

Suspension of Tennis Wales & LTA activity in Wales until 20th April

After receiving further information and advice, the following Tennis Wales and LTA led tennis activity is currently suspended;

  • Sanctioned LTA tournaments (grade 1-6) are suspended until at least 20th April.
  • North & South Wales County Training is cancelled until May.
  • Development Hub training sessions are suspended until further notice.
  • North & South Wales Leagues are suspended until at least 20th April.
  • Junior, Senior & Veterans inter-county competitions are suspended until at least 20th April.
  • Teacher training sessions are suspended until May.

If you have any questions or seek clarification about any of the above, please email us here at Tennis Wales Tenniswales@tenniswales.org.uk

Tennis Wales office closures

The Tennis Wales offices in Cardiff & Wrexham remain closed, and colleagues continue to work from home. We’re advising colleagues not to attend unnecessary meetings and to conduct any Tennis Wales work via phone / email / conference call facilities. You can continue to contact members of the team via the contact details below;

CHRIS LEWIS 07432 731906


ELLIE LEWIS 07949 500497 Ellie.lewis@tenniswales.org.uk
LUKE WILLIAMS 07904 664817 Luke.williams@tenniswales.org.uk
MARK LEWIS 07958 302771 Mark.lewis@tenniswales.org.uk
PAM GRIFFITHS 07949 512566 Pam.griffiths@tenniswales.org.uk
MARK VAUGHAN 07958 202952




RACHEL TREVOR   Rachel.trevor@tenniswales.org.uk
GENERAL ENQUIRIES    Tenniswales@tenniswales.org.uk

LTA Central Information

Please continue to view the latest LTA news on the Coronavirus on the dedicated webpage. The LTA Services Hub remains contactable via email ( info@lta.org.uk) for any enquiries related to the Coronavirus and the impact on registered places to play and accredited tennis coaches and officials. Remote phone lines are expected shortly. Information has been emailed to accredited tennis coaches & registered places to play today.

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